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Nicolas Keller

Chilling stage with shock moment

A short, crisp stage awaited us today, which we wanted to complete quickly in order to spend as much free time as possible in Dubrovnik. During a pee break, 2 metres from the roadside, Dad's pulse rate increased dramatically when he saw a large snake in the grass in front of him. The water solution had to wait! Later we googled and found out that this brown monster worm was probably a creeper, which can grow up to 140 cm. It is now the second 'snake' we have encountered on our tour - the first one was lying on the road and was flat as a sheet of paper. Sorry for all animal and reptile lovers but this one was much more appealing to me 🤷🏼‍♂️. Those who know me know about my phobia...

We arrived at the hotel in Dubrovnik at 2 p.m. and first enjoyed the wonderful view from the balcony. After a visit to the hotel's wellness area, we set off to get to know the city. We were told that Dubrovnik has the best sushi restaurant in the country and of course we wanted to try it out 😋.


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