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A day to forget

Nicolas Keller

After a video call with our colleagues in the company, we put on our regents and set off for Sibenik. Luckily we prepared a sandwich at the morning buffet and took it with us, because there was not a single restaurant or café open for the whole 74 kilometres. At the beginning of the day's ride, we were spared a little from above, but towards the end we got the full dose of water. We also had to take our first fall, Dad lost his balance in a puddle slalom on the soggy ground and made the acquaintance of a thorn bush. Thanks to Rubis tweezers, the thorns were quickly pulled out. With holes in our rain pants, completely soaked and slightly hypothermic, we were glad when we could make out our hotel. After a rough cleaning of the dirty bikes, we were looking forward to a warm shower and a toast to the first 1,000 kilometres ridden. Tomorrow can only get better and we remain highly motivated :-)


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